Tuesday, November 30, 2021


 My cousin and I, back in the day.  She was a very thoughtful, caring lady.

Monday, November 29, 2021


 Just "resting my eyes."

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Saturday, November 27, 2021


 My ride, back in the day.

Friday, November 26, 2021


I went for a nice little Thanksgiving cruise on the parkway yesterday.  

Stopping first at a gas station, I pulled up to the pump and before I even took off my helmet, a biker guy came over to look at the trike.  He said, "Brother, that's a nice-looking machine."  I took off my helmet and said "Sister," with a smile.  He caught himself and exclaimed "Sister!  Even Better!"  

On the way back, I rode through the Bohemian Flats parking lot.  There were tons of geese and as I was leaving, they got stirred up by a guy walking a dog and started flying over me en mass.  I cringed and said "Don't poop on me.  DON'T POOP ON ME!"  

The final stop is shown in today's blog pic.  First I made sure there wasn't any goose poop on the trike or me.  Then I took pictures.