Monday, June 8, 2020


I want justice for George Floyd.  I don't agree with destroying the community he lived in.  Click here if you would like to help those in need.

I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the massive destruction and complete anarchy in our city during the last week of May.  You can see all the blogs in this series by going here

Most of the Hi-Lake Shopping Center burned down and is a pile of rubble now, as seen in part in the image above and below.

A lot of damage was focused on Lake Street, but there were other areas too, including setting the Holiday gas station on fire at 46th Street and Hiawatha Ave and vandalizing/looting the Walgreens across the street.

I'm glad there wasn't a gas explosion when it was on fire!  We noticed that all of the gas pumps have been removed for now.

I don't think I believe the sign.  So surreal!  This station is only a block from our former house.  

Sunday, June 7, 2020


I want justice for George Floyd.  I don't agree with destroying the community he lived in.  Click here if you would like to help those in need.

I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the massive destruction and complete anarchy in our city during the last week of May.  You can see all the blogs in this series by going here

Aside from the burned-out shell and fencing, this is the view of our local post office that I've known since I went there with my mom as a kid.  The tiniest little parking lot for such a busy place.

The fire melted the windows into a puddle of molten glass and metal.

Saturday, June 6, 2020


I want justice for George Floyd.  I don't agree with destroying the community he lived in.  Click here if you would like to help those in need.

I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the massive destruction and complete anarchy in our city during the last week of May.  You can see all the blogs in this series by going here

Often on the weekend, we will grab a bite of fast food before heading off to wherever.  Since fast food places we normally go to have been either vandalized or burned down, I thought I'd go take pictures instead.

Arby's, like Wendy's, which I blogged the other day, burned to the ground.  The work crew has been really busy during the past week.  The building is already demolished and the rubble is sorted into piles by type of material. 

The top image today is the "Y" and apostrophe from one of their signs.

It's truly bizarre to see a flat slab where a restaurant used to be.  And also bizarre to see their ornate railing, still intact (albeit a little worse for wear) in the middle of the flat slab.

They covered up the sign to make sure you know that they are closed.  This is the other half of the flat slab.  Interestingly enough, a lot of the tiles in the kitchen area are still in place.  That's what I call some durable tiles!

More flotsam and the skeleton of a chair.  Many a Sunday afternoon we would gather here with family for lunch.

In this digital age, one can follow a number of different independent streaming news sources during riots.  I watched Arby's burn, along with at least 30 thousand other people, courtesy of Unicorn Riot.

Friday, June 5, 2020


I want justice for George Floyd.  I don't agree with destroying the community he lived in.  Click here if you would like to help those in need.

I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the massive destruction and complete anarchy in our city last week.  You can see all the blogs in this series by going here.   

The image above was taken at Open Streets Minneapolis in 2015.  You can see Auto Zone off to the left.  The following images were taken last Saturday.

The Cash and Pawn down the street didn't fare any better.

Thursday, June 4, 2020


I want justice for George Floyd.  I don't agree with destroying the community he lived in.  Click here if you would like to help those in need.

I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the massive destruction and complete anarchy in our city last week.  You can see all the blogs in this series by going here.   

These first two images show our local Wendy's – torn asunder, just like their sign.

This was our local Walgreens.  

A shot of the interior of Walgreens.  Most of the buildings we saw were still smoldering, 2 days after they went up in flames.  The air was thick with the pungent smokey odor.  What I didn't notice until I was looking at the images, is that there were still some partially burned jugs on the bottom shelf in front and one still has the Walgreen's "Nice" brand sticker visible on it.  How bizarre!  

A grocery cart in the Walgreens with molten glass or something in the bottom of it.

The heat from the fire in Walgreens was so hot that it melted the tires, seats and fairing on a row of Nice Ride bikes parked outside.  It must have been hottest in the middle because those bikes had everything that wasn't metal burned completely off.