Monday, February 3, 2020


Sunday it was around 44°F.  On our way back from Ellsworth, WI, we stopped briefly at Point Douglas Park on the Hastings, MN/Prescott, WI border.

What you're seeing is the St. Croix River just before it merges with the Mississippi River. The park (where I'm sitting at a picnic table and using a zoom lens) is a peninsula that squeezes the St. Croix through a narrow channel into the Mississippi.

This guy was ice fishing on the St. Croix,  right where the "squeezing" begins.  I'm guessing that's why the ice wasn't covered in snow like further back.  There were small patches of open water not far from him and a huge stretch of open water, out of frame, where some sane people were fishing from a boat.

Here's a wider angle shot.  The guy is the tiny black dot, smack-dab in the middle.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Friday, January 31, 2020


I had to do some shopping tonight and I took this to show my husband that his favorite cookies were in the cart.  Looking at it now, I really like all the different holes and repetition, so I decided to blog it. 

Thursday, January 30, 2020


When we picked up firewood last weekend, the guy who helped us said his 90-year-old grandfather still used this old tractor to power the saw blade at the other end of the belt.