Monday, May 21, 2018


The last in this "mom set" and my 1700th blog.

Mom really loved her bike.  Most of the archive pictures I have are of people, with the occasional homestead.  But she took a picture of her bike alone, which shows how important it was to her.  And a nice bike it was!

Image scanned with Epson V600.

Sunday, May 20, 2018


You know when it's high school graduation day and you have the gown on and you're trying to adjust the mortar board and tassel "just so" before your mom takes your picture?  Yeah, mom always takes the picture while you're getting ready for the picture.  Mom in 1949.

Image scanned with Epson V600.

Saturday, May 19, 2018


Mom, circa 1955.  What do you do when have a hard time reaching the top of your car with the wash rags?  You get on top of it and use your feet, of course.  And be sure to rinse out those rags for the next time.

Image scanned with Epson V600.

Friday, May 18, 2018


Can you tell mom is afraid of heights?  Dad, not so much.

Image scanned with Epson V600.

Thursday, May 17, 2018


Expert baker, hard at work.  Mom making mud pies.  MmmMMmmm

Image scanned with Epson V600.