Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Kitty Fountain

~ 90 day blog challenge: day 82 ~

Because why have a water bowl when you can have a water fountain?

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Postage Holder

~ 90 day blog challenge: day 81 ~

This ornately-carved brass container was always in my mom's desk.  It was the go-to spot for me to get a stamp for the all-important pen-pal letter to this or that person.

Techie Corner
I've been waiting for close-up filters in the mail and they finally arrived today.  This image was shot with a +4 and +10 filter attached.

Monday, August 4, 2014


~ 90 day blog challenge: day 80 ~

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Grapes from the Gods

~ 90 day blog challenge: day 79 ~

I have looked at this candle my entire life.  

One of my chores as a kid was to dust.  I would always carefully take this candle off the shelf, take off the top, sniff the candle, put the top back on, and set it aside while I dusted the shelf. Then I would dust it and put it back on the shelf.  It always intrigued me and I don't know why.  

It also reminded me of the greek gods on Mt. Olympus relaxing on chaise lounges and eating grapes.  I had a very active imagination as a kid.  Of course, re-runs of classic Star Trek didn't help.   

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Man and Wife

~ 90 day blog challenge: day 78 ~